Parent Advisory Council (PAC)

What is the HTS Parent Advisory Council?

The HTS Parent Advisory Council works as a central committee with all members who have a vested interested in the education of our children. This group works with and acts as a liaison with parents and students, Lord Selkirk School Division personnel, HTS Administration, teachers, the English Ukrainian Bilingual Committee, and other members of our community. The primary responsibility of the Parent Advisory Council is to provide input and recommendations on school policies and procedures, various programs and activities, and school facilities. The council has ratified a set of Policies and Procedures as well as a set of By-Laws.

We meet the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 pm.

Click to watch live HTS PAC Meeting - Wednesday April 12, 2023

2022-2023 members are:

Chairperson: Liz Kenyon

Vice Chair: Megan Braun

Treasurer: Carlin Bell

Secretary: Andrea McLeod

Members at Large: Krista Ballantyne, Leslie Grandmont, Alyssa McAlpine, Ian McLeod, Sara Spence, Lisa Stott


The EUBP PAC members for 2021-2022 are:

Chairperson: Vacant

Vice Chair: Pam Nemec

Treasurer: Ruth Peddle

Secretary: Chantal Palanuk

Enrollment: Ria Semenowich

MPUE Rep: Karen Johnston

Public Relations: Shannon Zahariuk

Hot Lunch Coordinator HTS: Dayna Roszmann

Hot Lunch Coordinator ESMS: Karen Johnston

The Manitoba Parents for Ukrainian Education (MPUE) is dedicated to promoting, enhancing and expanding the English-Ukrainian Bilingual Program (EUBP) in Manitoba.

MPUE is a non-profit, volunteer organization consisting of parents of EUBP students and community members who work together to support the needs of the program. MPUE works closely with school administrators and teachers.

For more information, please see the MPUE website: MPUE

COOP Number

Thank you to everyone who donates their Co-op points to HTS PAC. HTS PAC continues to encourage you to use their Co-op number at Co-op gas and groceries. Our HTS PAC number is 299362. Thank you so much!
